Friday, February 25, 2011

Shock: Christchurch earthquake, AGAIN! O noooooooooooo. BUT...

"...What's happening inside our mind's? What do we think about all this? That's even more important than all our possessions, all our health, our physical lives. What's most important is..."      see the last video by Andy Moore on this post and listen carefully if you're interested in the answer to this question. (Natural disaster reference for this video is Christchurch's 4th September earthquake.)

22 Feb 2011 Christchurch Earthquake (see post link for further details)

Vlog 6 – Christchurch Earthquake 4 Sept. 2010 (see post link for further details) 


Vlog 7 – Christchurch Earthquake: Thank God Nobody was Killed…? (see post link for further details) 

"  ...God and, you know, the meaning of life..." ; 

links by Christians....

My Baptismal Testimony &; A video of my baptism by (my brother)

My testimony (Part 2 - As written November 2010) by (Jessica)


Empty... Again "...God has put a hole in man that only he can fill..." by






Monday, February 21, 2011

Physical Education and Gross Motor skills...

How do I help children develop fine motor skills in a fun way?

Fine Motor:

Difficulties children experience with hand function              This is written by a physiotherapist and offers some helpful suggestions. 

Activities for Fine Motor Skills This article is very helpful for basic definitions and suggestions. (I find her subscription email inspiring for the home environment and could be adaptable for the childcare environment.)

Fine Motor Activities               "Activities to promote hand development for pencil use and other tasks
Click on the links by each skill area for discussions of why they are important"
Looking for detailed information? It's here!

Can you do this - (skills: pencil grip, relaxing hand for comfortable pencil hold)?


Fine Motor: Playdough

Playdough Recipes, How to Make Homemade Playdough By

Fine Motor: Clay  

Exploring with Self-Hardening Clay

Clay sandcastles

Use the following links for castle images:                                                                                  
‘Step back in time some 800 years’          
‘Google images’  
Search: castle Before letting children view: Check that all images that come up for the first search are suitable as they were when I searched.

Fine Motor: Ideas on blogs

Look under:

My Blog List - Early Childhood and Education

Then search for fine motor in each of the blogs. Ideas include looking under Labels either at the bottom of the blog post or if listed along the side of the blog.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This is where I would like to visit for a volunteer holiday...

Although I prayerfully support OCR Overseas Community Reach which financially provides for Unakho children's home, I would also like to visit the following children's home called Tshepo Ya Bana run by Mark and Christine Harding. Besides my frequent recommendation of Unakho children's home I would highly recommend Tshepo Ya Bana as a children's home both in the quality of care and in the dedication to bringing up the children to know and understand the gospel. I would encourage you to watch the video and also look into prayerfully supporting and maybe even giving the occasional financial donation either to Tshepo Ya Bana or Unakho children's home or both.

Please visit their home page:

Mark and Christine Harding

Tshepo Ya Bana (Hope for Children)

Tshepo Ya Bana was formed in 1993. Mark and Christine Harding aim to provide a Christian family environment for abandoned, unwanted and orphaned children. Healthy babies are usually adopted by local or overseas parents, but those who are HIV+, or who cannot be adopted for other reasons, become permanent members of the family.
When we think back 10 years or so and consider our lifestyle then... did we ever imagine that God would have led us to sell up, buy 24 hectares of bushveld and put together another family?
Prayer for:
  • For wisdom as we raise these children as our own.
  • For God to work in the lives and hearts of these little ones.
  • The work is exacting both physically, mentally and emotionally. Pray for strength.
Tel: 012 711 0656