Friday, March 25, 2011

Things that happened today that don't usually happen...

Jarryn (3) cracked an egg to see if there was a baby chick in it! We don't live on a farm so I presume he realised the concept that chicks hatch out of eggs from the multiple children's books we have in the house (he loves looking at books or being read to). Or maybe it's because Mom's been talking to him about the Easter story?... hmm, don't know if she mentioned any easter bunny eggs though.

One of Emma's (very nearly 9) 'baby' tooth  fell out today. (This wasn't her first.) We have a tooth mouse not a tooth fairy. This is because there's a story that Mom had from when she was a girl and she used the same story for us. Maybe that's where my fascination of mice comes from? Maybe not there's lot's of children's authors that write stories about mice.

I can cook! Truly, I'm not being sarcastic. But today I burned two lots of chips in the oven. Not my day today.

Joseph, one of my brothers, baked a cake for Jarryn because it's not Jarryn's birthday yet and he was really excited about this cake idea because it's Emma's birthday soon.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Woman, Girls and Asperger's syndrome

As Temple Grandin , a woman who has Asperger's syndrome who has become a
successful engineer, author and academic, said, `If the world was left to you
socialites, we would still be in caves talking to each other'. 

Girls with Asperger's syndrome:
by Tony Attwood
by Jennifer Copley

To be continued...

Suffering (and my Prayers For Those In Pain)

  • Jessica Murray
    • Hi, how did the fundraiser go?
  • Lydie Moore
    • it didn't actually happen :(:(
    • we plan it to happen in the near future though
    • the university told us the wrong times for the event which we were going to be fundraising at
    • so when we arrived, they told us it was going to be in the evening - a time we couldn't make it to

Monday 22 March 2011

‎"With the latest disaster in Japan, we need to pray for those affected - and pray that people will look to God in the midst of tragedy."
Response to recent natural disasters When people see natural disasters occurring, they often ask questions about why these occur.

about an hour ago · · · Share
Friday, 18 March 2011

  • ‎...I am thinking and praying for the people in Christchurch (New Zealand) and other disaster areas such as Japan at this time. Lydie Moore my friend who is helping organise this fundraising BBQ for those in Christchurch at the University of Cantebury made me aware of it. Please would you be aware of people in Christchurch and pray with me for those in Christurch and other disaster areas such as Japan.

    Location: University of Canterbury
    Time: Friday, 18 March 2011 15:00

    18 March at 14:30 · · · Share
    Jessica Murray See the link to 'GBC Earthquake Support BBQ! FTW!' for more details if you are interested. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, Jessica
    18 March at 14:31 ·
     21 March 2011 (In reply to above information.)
    • Jessica Murray
      Hi, how did the fundraiser go?
    • Lydie Moore
      it didn't actually happen :(:( 
      we plan it to happen in the near future though
      the university told us the wrong times for the event which we were going to be fundraising at so when we arrived, they told us it was going to be in the evening - a time we couldn't make it to
10 March 2011